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Social media: join the shift from monologue to dialogue

In Making Mediation Your Day Job, I discuss at length the way dialogue and conversation are replacing the old monologue marketing model and what mediators should do about it.

Still not convinced it’s worth your while to network online and use social media to promote your business? Take a look at this excellent slideshow, filled with some pretty interesting data. For instance:

  • 36% of consumers think more positively about companies that have blogs.
  • Millenials spend 16 hours or more per week online…and by 2010, they and Gen Y’ers will outnumber baby boomers.
  • Social networking sites are officially more popular than porn sites.

Intrigued? Take a look at the whole show…it’s 5 minutes of your time and the future for your ADR business.


Tammy Lenski

Dr. Tammy Lenski helps individuals, pairs, teams, and audiences navigate disagreement better, address friction, and build alignment. Her current work centers on creating the conditions for robust collaboration and sound decisions while fostering resilient personal and professional relationships. Her conflict resolution podcast and blog, Disagree Better, are available at… MORE >

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