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3 Mediators in Montana

Kayre Chatellier

Kayre Chatellier

Senior MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, 500 hours of mediation experience, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice.
Kayre Chatellier is a Restorative Justice Advocate who is focused upon restorative processes which create greater pathways and opportunities toward strengthening communities through advocacy, connection, communication, and collaboration. Kayre received her Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina, an HBCU. She was working toward law…
Great Falls, Montana
Barbara Barnes

Barbara Barnes

Senior MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, 500 hours of mediation experience, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice.
Barbara came to mediation and facilitation through Kenneth Cloke. She has been a practitioner of Transformative Facilitation and Mediation for over 15 years.  Before that she practiced Non Violent Communication (NVC) and worked with people and groups in conflict and trauma through using skills from Hakomi, a form of Body…
Helena, Montana
Temple McLean

Temple McLean

Certified Practitioner MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, has mediated at least 50 cases for at least 200 hours, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice..
Founder of Billings Mediation Center and Conflict Resilience Project at Yellowstone County Justice Court. Former Board Member of Montana Mediation Association (MtMA). Certified additionally in family mediation and eldercare mediation issues within and outside of elder living facilities. Certified Mediator Trainer and CDP-I Assessment Practitioner Colson Fellow
Billings, Montana